Bible Study - ROMANS - Answers

Bible Study Answers 
Chapter 1- 16

Author: Mark A. Copeland

Bible Study - ROMANS - Introduction
1) Who wrote the epistle to the Romans?
   - The apostle Paul (1:1)

2) From where was it written?
   - Corinth

3) What is the approximate date of writing?
   - 57 or 58 A.D.

4) What is the purpose of this epistle?
   - To set straight the design and nature of the gospel

5) Where is the theme of this epistle stated?
   - Romans 1:16-17

Bible Study - ROMANS - Chapter 1
1) List the two main points of this chapter
   - Introduction (1-17)
   - The Gentiles' Need Of Salvation (18-32)

2) How was Jesus declared to be the Son of God? (4)
   - With power, through His resurrection from the dead

3) What was the objective of Paul's apostleship? (5)
   - To bring about the obedience of faith among all nations

4) Why did Paul want to go to Rome? (11-12)
   - To see them and share in their faith together

5) To whom was Paul obligated? (14)
   - Both to Greeks and barbarians, both to wise and unwise

6) What is God's power to save? (16)
   - The gospel of Christ

7) Why is it God's power to save? (17)
   - In it the righteousness of God is revealed

8) What two invisible attributes of God are revealed in nature? (20)
   - His eternal power and Godhead (divine nature)

9) How does God express His wrath? (24,26,28)
   - By "giving people up" to their own sinful passions

10) What one sin in particular is an indication that God's wrath toward man is in full force? (26,27)
    - Homosexuality

Bible Study - ROMANS - Chapter 2 
1) List the main points of this chapter
   - The Gentiles' Need Of Salvation (1-16)
   - The Jews' Need Of Salvation (17-29)

2) Why is one who passes judgment without excuse? (1)
   - They are guilty of the same thing and so condemn themselves

3) How does God try to lead one to repentance? (4)
   - Through kindness, forbearance, and longsuffering

4) What is the reward given to those who do good? To those who do evil? (9,10)
   - Eternal life to those who do good; wrath and indignation,
     tribulation and anguish to those who do evil

5) How will God judge those who do not have a "written" law? (14-16)
   - The law of their conscience will condemn them when God judges the
     secrets of their hearts by Jesus Christ

6) Without a "written" Law, how did the Gentiles know the difference between right and wrong? (14,15)
    - "by nature" (note the definition above); they are able to do the
      things contained in the Law, for they have the "work of the Law"
      written in their hearts

7) Why were the Jews in need of salvation? (21-24)
   - Through inconsistency and disobedience to the Law, they dishonored

Bible Study - ROMANS - Chapter 3
1) List the main points of this chapter
   - The Jews' Need Of Salvation (1-20)
   - The Provision:  Justification By Faith (21-31)

2) What advantage was there in being a Jew? (2)
   - They possessed the revealed oracles of God

3) What comes through law? (20)
   - The knowledge of sin

4) What came apart from law? (21)
   - The righteousness of God (God's way of justifying sinful man)

5) Who has sinned? (23)
   - All have sinned

6) What is the gift of God's grace? (24)
   - Being justified through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus

7) How is God appeased for our sins? (25)
   - Through the blood of Jesus Christ

8) How does man receive justification from God? (28)
   - By faith

9) How does "justification by faith" relate to the principle of law? (31)
   - It does not void the need for law, but rather supports the demand
     of law

Bible Study - ROMANS - Chapter 4 
1) List the main points of this chapter
   - Justification Of Abraham As An Example (1-8)
   - Righteousness By Faith Available To All Believers (9-25)

2) How did Abraham attain righteousness? (3-5)
   - By believing in God to justify the ungodly (and not in his own

3) How does David describe the righteousness which is imputed to man? (6-8)
   - In the sense that man's sins are not counted against him

4) How is Abraham the father of the uncircumcised who possess faith? (9-11)
   - By his being justified by faith prior to his circumcision

5) Based upon what was the promise made to Abraham? (13)
   - The righteousness of faith

6) How did Abraham demonstrate his faith? (19-21)
   - By fathering Isaac

7) For whose sake was the example of Abraham's faith written? (23-24)
   - Those who believe that God raised Jesus from the dead

Bible Study - ROMANS - Chapter 5 
1) List the main points of this chapter
   - The Blessings Of Justification (1-11)
   - Comparing Christ With Adam (12-21)

2) Name some benefits we enjoy as the result of justification (1-2)
   - Peace with God, access to grace, rejoicing in hope

3) Why can Christians rejoice even in the middle of trials? (3-5)
   - Knowing trials can produce perseverance, character and hope

4) How did God demonstrate His love for us? (6-8)
   - By having Christ die for us when we were still sinners

5) What in addition to Jesus' death is involved in our ultimate salvation? (10)
   - His present life, which saves us from the wrath to come

6) What was the consequence of Adam's sin upon all men? (12)
   - Death (I understand Paul to mean physical death; to see why, I
     highly recommend Moses Lard's commentary on this passage.
     Commentaries by J. W. McGarvey and David Lipscomb take a similar
     view.  For the view that spiritual death is under consideration,
     see Robert L. Whiteside's commentary.)

7) What comparison is made between Adam and Christ? (12-19)
   - Just as Adam through his sin brought physical death to all, so
     Christ through His obedience will give life to all (through the
     resurrection - cf. 1Co 15:21-22)
   - But Christ does even more; to those who will receive it, he offers
     "an abundance of grace and the gift of righteousness" so they can
     reign in life through Jesus (cf. v. 17)

8) Which has abounded more: sin, or grace? (20)
   - Grace

Bible Study - ROMANS - Chapter 6
1) List the main points of this chapter
   - We Are Dead To Sin! (1-14)
   - We Should Be Slaves To God! (15-23)

2) Why are Christians not to continue in sin? (2)
   - Because we died to sin

3) What happens when one is baptized into Christ? (3-7)
   - They are baptized into His death, being buried with Him and united
     with Him in the likeness of His death, where the old man is
     crucified with Him and the body of sin is done away, making it
     possible to be freed from sin and to rise to walk in newness of

4) How should we present the members of our bodies? (13)
   - As instruments of righteousness to God

5) Why does sin no longer have dominion over the Christian? (14)
   - Because the Christian is not "under law", but "under grace"

6) What was necessary to become free from sin? (17-18)
   - To obey the doctrine of God from the heart

7) What is the result of presenting your members as slaves to righteousness? (19)
   - Holiness, or sanctification

8) What three steps are described that eventually lead to eternal life? (22)
   -  1) Being set free from sin  2) Becoming slaves to God  3) Bearing
      the fruit of holiness

9) What is the just payment for sin? But what does God give us in Christ? (23)
   - Death.  Eternal life.

Bible Study - ROMANS - Chapter 7
1) List the main points of this chapter
   - Jewish Believers And The Law (1-6)
   - Limitations Of The Law (7-25)

2) Who is Paul speaking to in this chapter? (1)
   - Those who know the law (Jewish Christians)

3) What example is given to show their relationship to the Law? (2-3)
   - How a woman whose husband dies is free to be married to another
     without being guilty of adultery

4) What is their relationship to the Law when joined to the body of Christ? (4-6)
   - Dead to the law, delivered from the law

5) How do we know the Law referred to is the Ten Commandments? (7)
   - To illustrate his point, Paul mentions "You shall not covet", one
     of the Ten Commandments

6) Was the Law responsible for death? If not, what was? (13)
   - No!  It was "sin" that produced death

7) What dilemma does one face in trying to keep the Law? (15-21)
   - The DESIRE to do good and avoid evil may be there, but the ABILITY
     is found lacking

8) What is the end result of this dilemma? (23)
   - CAPTIVITY to the law (or principle) of sin in one's members

9) Where can one find freedom from this dilemma? (24-25)
   - From God, through Jesus Christ our Lord!

Bible Study - ROMANS - Chapter 8
1) List the main points of this chapter
   - In Christ There Is Freedom From Sin (1-17)
   - Blessings Of Being Children Of God (18-39)

2) What is the main difference between the "law of Moses" and the "law of the Spirit of life"? (2-4)
   - The Law of Moses could not set one free from the "law of sin and

3) What is the result of setting your mind on the things of the flesh? On the things of the Spirit? (6)
   - Death; life and peace

4) Do the Scriptures teach that the Holy Spirit dwells in the Christian? (9-11)
   - Yes

5) How can we assure that we will continue to live spiritually? (13)
   - By putting to death the deeds of the body with the help of the

6) List briefly the blessings of being the children of God (14-39)
   - One day we will be glorified together with Christ
   - We have the help of the Holy Spirit
   - All things ultimately work for our good
   - Nothing can separate us from God's love

Bible Study - ROMANS - Chapter 9
1) List the main points of this chapter
   - Paul's Concern For His Brethren Of Israel (1-5)
   - The True Children Of God (6-29)
   - The Basis Of God's Choice: Faith vs. No Faith (30-33)

2) How much love did Paul have for the nation of Israel? (2-3)
   - Enough to be lost if it would do any good

3) Who are the true children of God? (8)
   - Children of promise, not children of flesh

4) What does God have the right to do? (18)
   - To show mercy on who He wills, and to harden who He wills

5) What O.T. prophet foretold that Gentiles would be a part of the people of God? (25-26)
   - Hosea

6) What did Isaiah say would happen to the nation of Israel (27)
   - Only a remnant would be saved

7) Why are Gentiles among the saved? (30)
   - Because of faith

8) Why are some Israelites going to be lost? (31-33)
   - They trusted more in the keeping of the Law, and did not believe
     in Christ

Bible Study - ROMANS - Chapter 10
1) List the main points of this chapter
   - Israel's Refusal Of God's Righteousness (1-15)
   - Israel's Neglect Of The Gospel (16-21)

2) What was Paul's prayer in behalf of the nation of Israel? (1)
   - That they may be saved

3) What was good about them? What was wrong with them (2)
   - They have a zeal for God
   - But not according to knowledge

4) Why was Israel not submitting to the righteousness of God? (3)
   - In ignorance they were seeking to establish their own

5) What should one confess? What should one believe? (9-10)
   - The Lord Jesus (or, that Jesus is Lord)
   - That God raised Jesus from the dead

6) For whom is righteousness by faith intended? (11-13)
   - Whoever believes and calls upon the name of the Lord

7) What begins the process which finally enables one to call upon the Lord? (14-15)
   - The sending out of preachers

8) How does one come to have faith? (17)
   - By hearing the word of God

9) Did the Jews have opportunity to call upon the Lord? (18)
   - Yes, for the gospel had been spread to the ends of the world

10) How did God say He was going to make His people jealous? (19-20)
    - By making Himself manifest to those who had not been seeking Him
      (the Gentiles)

Bible Study - ROMANS - Chapter 11
1) List the main points of this chapter
   - God Has Not Totally Rejected Israel (1-10)
   - Hardening Of Israel To Benefit Israel (11-32)
   - Paul's Hymn Of Praise To God (33-36)

2) What example does Paul use to show that God has not totally rejected the people of Israel? (1)
   - Himself

3) Why did God harden the rebellious Jews? (11-12)
   - So salvation might be presented to the Gentiles

4) Why was salvation allowed to come to the Gentiles? (11-14)
   - To provoke the rebellious Jews to jealousy that they might repent

5) What condition is necessary to remain in the "tree of Israel"? (20-23)
   - Continuing in faith

6) How will "all Israel" be saved? (25-26)
   - By a partial hardening of Israel, to allow Gentiles to come in and
     to provoke rebellious Jews to repent

7) What is Paul's summary on God's dealings with Israel? (32)
   - "God has committed them all to disobedience, that He might have
     mercy on all"

Bible Study - ROMANS - Chapter 12
1) List the main points of this chapter
   - An Appeal To Consecration (1-2)
   - Serve God As Members Of One Body (3-8)
   - Miscellaneous Exhortations (9-21)

2) Upon what does Paul make his plea? (1)
   - The mercies of God; their reasonable service

3) How is a Christian to present himself before God? (1)
   - As a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God

4) How is one transformed? (2)
   - By the renewing of their minds

5) What is the purpose of such transformation? (2)
   - To prove (demonstrate) what is the good, acceptable, and perfect
     will of God

6) What illustration shows our dependence upon each other in the church? (4-5)
   - Members of a body

7) How are Christians to respond to evil? (19-21)
   - In a positive way, with good

Bible Study - ROMANS - Chapter 13
1) List the main points of this chapter
   - Responsibilities To The Government (1-7)
   - Exhortations To Love And Moral Purity (8-14)

2) What one word summarizes the Christian's responsibility to the government? (1)
   - submit

3) From where do governments get their authority? (1)
   - God

4) What happens if we resist governing authorities? (2)
   - We resist God and bring judgment upon ourselves

5) What is a major responsibility of government? (4)
   - To avenge the evil doer

6) What should serve as motivation for Christians' submission to the government? (5)
   - Wrath, and conscience

7) What else is required of Christians in regards to government? (7)
   - Payment of taxes, and respect for those in authority

8) What one thing should we owe to others? (8)
   - Love

9) What are we to put on? (12,14)
   - The "armor of light", the Lord Jesus Christ

10) What are we not to provide opportunities for? (14)
    - The fulfillment of fleshly lusts

Bible Study - ROMANS - Chapter 14
1) List the main points of this chapter
   - Admonitions To Strong And Weak Brethren (1-13)
   - Further Admonitions To Strong Brethren (14-23)

2) How are strong and weak brethren to treat each other? (3)
   - The strong are not to despise the weak
   - The weak are not to judge the strong

3) What is important according to verse 5?
   - "Let each be fully convinced in his own mind"

4) In all matters, whom is it we should try to please? (6-8)
   - The Lord

5) Who will be the Judge in such matters? (10-12)
   - The Lord

6) What is important according to verse 13?
   - Not to put a stumbling block or a cause to fall in our brother's

7) What elements are crucial to the kingdom of God? (17)
   - Righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit

8) How far should one be willing to go to avoid causing a brother to stumble? (21)
   - As far as giving up personal liberties in Christ

9) If we violate our conscience, what are we guilty of? (23)
   - Sin

Bible Study - ROMANS - Chapter 15
1) List the main points of this chapter
   - Concluding Admonitions To Strong Brethren (1-13)
   - Paul's Plans To See Them (14-33)

2) Whose example are we to follow in bearing the weakness of others? (1-3)
   - Christ's

3) What value is the Old Testament to Christians? (4)
   - To learn, to find patience and comfort, to increase hope

4) Why is it important that we be of one mind? (5-6)
   - So we may in unity of mind and mouth glorify God

5) To what degree are we to receive one another? (7)
   - As Christ received us; to the glory of God

6) In his preaching, what did Paul try to avoid? (20)
   - Preaching where Christ had already been preached

7) Where did Paul hope to go after passing through Rome? (24)
   - Spain

8) Where was he headed for at the time he wrote this epistle? Why? (25)
   - Jerusalem; to minister the contribution from Macedonia and Achaia
     for the poor saints in Jerusalem

Bible Study - ROMANS - Chapter 16
1) List the main points of this chapter
   - Concluding Instructions And Farewells (1-24)
   - Paul's Doxology (25-27)

2) How does Paul describe Phoebe? (1-2)
   - A servant of the church; a helper of Paul and of many

3) How does Paul describe Priscilla and Aquila? (3-4)
   - Fellow workers; who risked their necks for Paul's life

4) How does Paul describe those who cause division and offenses? (18)
   - They serve not the Lord, but their own belly

5) Is the "mystery" referred to in verse 25 still hidden? (25-26)
   - No, it has been revealed and made known through preaching and the
     Scriptures to all nations

6) What is the objective of the gospel according to verse 26?
   - Obedience to the faith

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